Elementary Programs
Elementary Music Faculty
Ms. Alexandra Vecchio – avecchio@nutleyschools.org – Lincoln School
Ms. Victoria Iasso – viasso@nutleyschools.org – Radcliffe & Spring Garden School
Ms. Alexis Rizzo – arizzo@nutleyschools.org – Washington School
Mrs. Pamela Struble – pstruble@nutleyschools.org – Yantacaw School
Mr. Joshua DeWald – jdewald@nutleyschools.org – District Instrumental Music - Band
Ms. Elizabeth Nowik – enowik@nutleyschools.org – District Instrumental Music - Strings
Instrumental Music
In the elementary schools, our program is offered to students in grades 3-6. In 3rd grade the students are given the opportunity to start on a string instrument. Two of the most common instruments in 3rd grade are the violin and cello. Unfortunately, the guitar is not an option. When the students become 4th graders they are also given the opportunity to branch out with the other instruments of the band. In addition, strings are still offered. This also applies to students in 5th & 6th grade. Instrumental lessons are once a week.
Nutley Board of Education instruments are available for students to use on a loan basis for free. With the N.B.O.E. instruments, a contract is signed by both the parent and student to take all responsibility for the instrument if it is lost or damaged and are responsible to pay for the repair for damage or lost instrument.
**There are only a certain number of instruments owned by the Nutley Board of Education to be handed out to students. If all instruments are handed out then the student must rent/own an instrument to enroll into the program.** The Nutley Music Department strongly recommends renting from The Music Shop.
There are two main concerts throughout the year for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade, which include the winter concert and the All-District Music Festival. Also, there is the Memorial Day Parade for the band instruments (strings do not participate). For 3rd grade, there are normally one main concert throughout the year, which is the spring concert. In addition, certain groups may be chosen to perform at the Nutley Music Boosters annual Café Night.
It is expected that if a student enrolls in the program that they continue through the whole year. Students receive an Nutley Public School Instrumental Progress Report with their report card each marking period that will inform you of your student’s progress. Also, the students are expected to practice on a regular basis to help build and re-enforce the skills that are worked on in class.