High School Vocal Programs
High School Vocal Music Faculty
Mr. Stephone Gaines
Director of Vocal Activities (7-12)
Chamber Singers Honors
Chamber Singers Honors is designed for students who want to explore and learn more difficult choral repertoire at a vigorous pace and perform frequently throughout the school year. Performances are an integral part of the course and include concerts, competitions, festivals and special events, which will be outlined in a performance calendar.
This course requires students to perform with proper vocal technique, understand and apply music theory concepts, analyze and describe the historical and cultural context of music, utilize the expressive qualities of music, and demonstrate an ability to read music.
Students will develop skills through the study, analysis, performance, and critique of varied choral repertoire from the middle ages through modern/contemporary works. This course also requires students to participate in one lesson lab period per week. These small group instruction lessons will reinforce concepts being covered in all instrumental and honors music ensembles. Lesson labs will be scheduled in the fall.
Treble Choir
Treble choir is a vocal ensemble is designed for students want to develop vocal technique, musicianship skills and literacy specific to the treble voices.. Performances are an integral part of the course and include concerts, competitions, festivals and special events, which will be outlined in a performance calendar.
This course requires students to perform with proper vocal technique, understand and apply music theory concepts, analyze and describe the historical and cultural context of music, utilize the expressive qualities of music, and demonstrate an ability to read music and participate in the process of critique. Students will develop skills through the study, analysis, and performance of treble (soprano & alto) choral repertoire and sight-singing exercises.
This course also serves as a prerequisite for Concert Choir for all soprano and alto singers.
Concert Choir
Concert Choir is designed for students who want to explore and perform varied and challenging choral repertoire in a large ensemble setting. Performances are an integral part of the course and include concerts, competitions, festivals and special events, which will be outlined in a performance calendar.
This course requires students to take into account proper vocal production, theory/fundamentals, historical context, musical elements, and appropriate performance practice. Students will build and develop music skills through the study, analysis and performance of a variety of choral repertoire ranging from the Middle Ages through modern/contemporary works.